This snapshot fixes some bugs that have been hanging around with the customized ka-Map code - when all layers in a given mapfile 'GROUP' are turned off, errors would start cropping up when performing actions with the map.
Even better than these fixes, this version includes some performance enhancements. Specifically, any user-drawings layers will now only be reloaded from the server if a change has been detected (e.g., a drawing has been created, modified, or deleted). Thus, the server will keep a cache of the images, and if tiles are requested more than once when no drawings have changed, a 304 response is returned instead of the image. This could be enhanced later to be spatially sensitive (i.e., right now, changing one user shape anywhere in the map will expire all tiles in the cache for the user-drawings layer).
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New snapshot (20100806) - fixed bugs when turning all layers off in one group / caching mechanism implemented for user-drawings
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Fri, 2010-08-06 08:19